Friday, 18 May 2012

3-States of Mind: Past Oriented-Future Oriented and Beyond Orientation

The below question is asked by Nilou ( on 5/13/2012 11:53:57.

Question: "I have had dreams that come true every since I can remember. I feel that my dreams tell me about the future. I was wondering if you could guide me a little and tell me why I have this power and how I can strengthen it. I live in Canada and I'm so interested in meeting a guru once. Hope you could help Nilou."

Reply to Your Question:

Hello Nilou,
Your question is very genuine and full of true things and to describe about it can help many people who believe in their dreams with its purity.

There are 3 kind of people belongs on the earth. First, who believe & dream in past things and create their present on the basis of that past. Second, who believe & dream in future and create their present on the prediction of that future. Third, who only be and live in present irrespective of past and future both. Let’s explain it.

People who believe in past, searches and dreams for their ancestors, religious happenings, historical things, previous births spiritual attendance and on the basis of that try to establish their present. To generate ability to know the past is based on education, research and previous meditation depth and to excel its power of remembrance with deep concentration.

People who believe in future, searches and dreams for their descendants, religious innovations, futuristic advancements, spiritual heights & achievements and on the basis of that try to establish their present. To generate ability to know the future or you can say probable incidents and to excel its determination of remembrance with hard concentration.

People who only be and live in present, never dreams, never predicts, never believe but only know the exact things. Spiritual and meditation related advancement happens in their inner surroundings. They stay in present in full command but well known about past and future which he wants. Who he stay at present, can access past and future equally as per his will.

Around 40% of the total population lives on earth on the basis of past and approx 60% of the total population lives on earth on the basis of future. The percentage of people who lives in present are less than 0.1% because to live life with stay in present is not so easy and who live so is known as “Jesus Christ”, “Buddha”, “Osho”, “Krishna” and “Kabir” etc in this world.

To know about the past, self-remembrance is the key and to know about the future self-determination is the key. But to know the past and future without dreaming or searching, stay in present is the main key. All Indian meditation Gurus have led the same life and to teach the followers the same meditation philosophy.

In your case, Nilou, you have to believe on your self-determination and make it stronger as possible as you can. Your heavier self-determination can make your dream more accurate for the futuristic things. As far as meeting concern, it is only possible once when you come in India. I will send you the response email also where you can contact with me. I hope that you will be satisfied with my answer. Thanks Nilou.


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