Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Difference between Doing-Meditation and State-of-Meditation

The below question is asked by Ramaseshu ( on 3/15/2012 14:41:37.

Question: "the moment I close my eyes for doing meditation i feel like landing in another world and i visualise the scenes are not related to present life which I am leading so confusing what to do".

Reply to your question:

Thanks for asking such question Ramaseshu. Lots of people having the same kind of questions due to misguided by these days so called meditators.

Please clear few things by just commenting of this reply:
1. From where you learnt the process of doing meditation, by reading books or under the supervision of any meditator?
2. Though it is not necessary for meditation, I just want to know your location, age and occupation.
3. From how many days or months or years, you are doing meditation?

You say that "when I close my eyes for doing meditation". Means you are trying to do meditation and still it is not achieved.

Doing-Meditation and to be in State-of-Meditation is two different things. Once you attain the State-of-Meditation then there is no question of being separate of that and no need to do something again to attain the same. One more thing, in meditation there is no doer; you are only the witness and awareness of happenings.

You say that "i feel like landing in another world". Right now, you are trying to do meditation then how it’s possible to be in another world. It is surely your minds prediction, nothing else. When you think something and close your eyes, then your mind creates lots of permutation-combination as per the thought. Current meditators, teach the followers that now you are in different world.

You say that "i visualise the scenes are not related to present life". It is not possible at all. I want to assure you that the happenings in meditation can be new and unknown in nature but surely it should be related to your life. There is nothing in this world which is not co-related with you. One can or cannot see the co-relation in between; it’s a matter of awareness.

You told that "so confusing what to do". How come it’s possible Ramaseshu? If you are confused while doing meditation, it means you are doing something else not meditation. Meditation is to be in the state of awareness, so how a meditator could be confused. I never heard or read that a person who attained the State-of-Meditation and still be confused.

I appreciate Ramaseshu that at least you are trying to do meditation. There is a need to proper guideline. You can read Osho Meditation books if you take any assistance at your home. Don’t think that I am an Osho follower but I cannot recommend any other books as no meditation books are authentic at present. Our own books are still unpublished and we are waiting for some point of concerns.

I hope you are satisfied with my answer. If you have any question, then just place your question as comment. I will reply you personally. And if I found that your question is much helpful for others then I will post that reply as a new post.