The question is asked by
Sophia on
7/30/2011 12:10:51.
Sir, I read your reply posted on 7/26/2011. I want to know few more things. Please clarify regarding evolution of Sufism and how mahatma Mansoor philosophy was different from Sufism?
Reply to your question:
At the time of Muhammad, the associated Muslim community and followers were collective and only believed on Muhammad sayings and his philosophy i.e.
"Allah is only one and Muhammad is the only Prophet sent by him."
["अल्लाह एक है और एक ही उसका भेजा हुआ पैगम्बर है मुहम्मद".]
By the time in next generations, there were few spiritual persons arrived in the same community and started teaching the community what they had experienced during the process of their meditation and their thoughts were something different from existing followers of Muhammad.
People were convinced by the new spiritual approach and started to follow them because they and their philosophy were more authentic than earlier in community. After few decades, the number of followers to this new spiritual approach had grown to more than 10% of the whole Muslim community and the additions in it were continuing at increasing rate.
The religious persons having the same evolving approach were known as
"Sufi" and the spiritual approach was known as
So, the base concept behind evolution of Sufism was:
"Allah is only one and Muhammad is the Prophet sent by him that is absolutely true but there can be thousands of Prophets sent by Allah."
["अल्लाह एक है और उसका भेजा हुआ पैगम्बर है मुहम्मद, यह भी ठीक है; लेकिन उसके पैगम्बर हजारों हो सकते हैं यह भी बिल्कुल ठीक है".]
Mahatma Mansoor Philosophy:
Mahatma Mansoor was a Sufi Saint and he was introduced himself as he approached the supreme level of spirituality during meditation. There were also lots of followers devoted to Mahatma Mansoor. His unique philosophy made him so popular in between Sufism devotees but so controversial in between Muslim community.
The whole Muslim community treated Mahatma Mansoor's spiritual approach as an offense in respect of Muhammad as well as Allah and tried to dominate Mansoor by threatening him and his true followers. Generally, the Sufis were non-violent but brave in nature. Mansoor did not care about it and ignored all threats and continued exploring his spiritual experiences in between devotees.
So, by the result, finally Muslim community killed innocent Mahatma Mansoor in front of thousands of people around at the moment and divided his body into pieces just like biriyani. .
The unique approach which made Mahatma Mansoor popular in between Sufis and different from Muhammad followers:
"Allah is only one and Muhammad is the Prophet sent by him that is true."
"There can be thousands of Prophets sent by Allah is also absolutely true."
"But it is also true that I am as equal as Allah i.e. ANALHAQ. Similar to AHAM-BRAHMASMI in Hindu religion".
["अल्लाह एक है, ठीक है".
"अल्लाह एक है और उसका भेजा हुआ पैगम्बर है मुहम्मद, यह भी ठीक है".
"अल्लाह एक है और उसका भेजा हुआ पैगम्बर है मुहम्मद; लेकिन उसके पैगम्बर हजारों हो सकते हैं यह भी बिल्कुल ठीक है"
"लेकिन इन सबके साथ-साथ यह भी ठीक है कि
अनलहक़ .....
मैं खुद खुदा हूँ".]
इस बात पर मुस्लिम समुदाय बहुत क्रुद्ध और उग्र हो गया और महात्मा मंसूर के हजारों टुकड़े कर डाले.